
July 12, 2009

last night
-711 run for a free slurpie..they ran out
-late night fun with a shopping cart
matt and jori riding, sophia driving, vanessa recording.

-went to target, lucky, and sunset super to pick up things for dinner, and my next project..which includes a hot plate, hickory wood chips, a few different sized fans, salt, apple cider, molasses, side pork, and a couple boxes
-in n out for lunch
copped animal style fries with a flying dutchman on top with pickles, and an animal style cheeseburger no tomatoes
-decided to make chicken marsala for dinner
it turned out alright..the sauce was right on point, but the chicken was a bit dry, and I didn't make enough sauce for my liking..those mushrooms were packed with flavor though
-lola pat's blueberry cheesecake for dessert..yumm

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At the end of the day, what matters is I cooked dinner for the lolas and lolo.

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