
July 10, 2009

-woke up..got ready for a long day
-jori and I brought vanessa and ann to class, then went to pier 39 so jori could get his paycheck deposited..I went to chase while he did that to deposit my check
-went back to city college to pick up vanessa, ann, and sophia
-vacaville premium outlets!
hit up all the good stuff : coach, ralph lauren, burberry, levis, nike, gucci, gap, vans, jelly belly..and a few other stores
ended up buying a magnetic, leather money clip from ralph lauren, socks from levis and from GAP, a cast iron skillet, fry thermometer, and zester from this cookware place, and some candy from jelly belly
-after vacaville, got some lunch at L&L ..got a cheeseburger and chicken katsu
-went back home..got caught in a little bit of traffic, thank God for carpool though..bypassed probably a good half hour of stop and go traffic
-dropped sophia off at some salon by her house, and went to this korean market so I could buy some green tea powder
-dropped off all the stuff we bought at the house, dropped ann of at home..and me jori and vanessa went to hayward to drop off his mom's car
-ended up having to take bart back home, I just slept the whole way
-photos will be up tomorrow of my pickups

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At the end of the day, what matters is I got hella good stuff today without breaking the pocketbook.

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