
May 8, 2009

-critical thinking 0910-1000
-partial diff eqns 1110-1145
class got out early cause the diffusion-convection equation was exhausting
-gym 1200-1245
-got off the bus..started walking home..and I see sophia driving with vanessa, ann, and jori in the car..they picked me up..
-ended up going to seniore's pizza..it was aight I guess..I mean there isn't really such a thing as bad pizza..
-got a call from lolo tito..had to pick up lola from the airport..she just arrived back from israel..15 hour flight..eww..
-jori and I picked her up from SFO..got back home..chilled for a quick minute
-me and jori went to vanessa's house so I could kill everyone in super smash bros. brawl..
-went to sunset super to pick up some eggs..and the girls had to buy pork for their dinner
-headed to ann's place so they could prepare the dinner..I just watched the beginning of the celtics-magic game
-went home..decided to start making eclairs again
-3 hours later..the eclairs are done.
-phone with sara for a good while
-knocked out

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oh yeah..I forgot to mention my umbrella set came in today from my babe!..here's some first shots using it
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At the end of the day, what matters is lola is back home safe..and hopefully with some presents..hah.

1 comment:

HANSSS. said...

that issh lOoks funny.