
March 23, 2009

Happy 21st Birthday Sara Hughes!!!!

-woke up 0400 to get ready to leave for oakland airport
-david drove me to the aiport, went to walgreens first to pickup some nutterbutters and gum
-got to the airport pretty early
-flight 0700
arrived at 0800, my baby was waiting for me.. =)
-went to my house first to say hi to my mom and the dog
-grabbed some donuts for breakfast/lunch
-napped until about 330ish, went back to my house to say wassup to the siblings
-joe's crab shack in oceanside for dinner for my baby
calamari for appetizer, main course got an enormous amount of food....1 lb of crawfish, 1 lb of rock crab, 1lb of clams, 24 pieces of shrimp, with corn on the cob, potatoes, and andioue sausage
-back to sara's house to chill and watch some videos on youtube






At the end of the day, what matters is my baby is 21..and that I'm finally home with her.

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