
February 20-25, 2010

4-day weekend thanks to furlough days

Feb. 20
-work 1000-1400
-DDR, rockband, and pong at charmaine, april, and ashley's place with justin

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Feb. 21
-work 1100-1700
-pool at palacade with sebastian and celine

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Feb. 22
-ikea with charmaine!
-copped a 2x2 expedit cubby thingy

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swedish meatballs and pasta alfredo
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Feb. 25
-me and howard have been planning to attempt a 10x10 from in n out..celine and sebastian we the witnesses
-howard killed that shit in 3 minutes..me..twice as long..ugg

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At the end of the day, what matters is I have up on my homework.


tege said...

I did really like ur jeans and camera ! ;)
greetings from Finland, -tege

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