
October 2 & 3

Oct. 2
-flew down to san diego for the weekend, sara's brother's wedding
-got picked up by sara
-rehearsal dinner
-chilled afterwards

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Oct. 3
-wedding ceremony and reception
-fun fun fun fun fun times with my girl
-that wedding was fucking fresh son!

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At the end of the day, what matters is I spent some real good time with Sara, and I love her that much more.


the Daddy said...

did you purchase that full suit at h&m? shit looks mighty farmiliar

razalaSttaM said...

kohls son!..look good don't it?

the Daddy said...

whaaat? did you get it altered at all?

razalaSttaM said...

yup..just lengthened the sleeves and slimmed down the pants a tid bit..nothing to the body of the jacket though