
February 20-25, 2010

4-day weekend thanks to furlough days

Feb. 20
-work 1000-1400
-DDR, rockband, and pong at charmaine, april, and ashley's place with justin

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Feb. 21
-work 1100-1700
-pool at palacade with sebastian and celine

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Feb. 22
-ikea with charmaine!
-copped a 2x2 expedit cubby thingy

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swedish meatballs and pasta alfredo
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Feb. 25
-me and howard have been planning to attempt a 10x10 from in n out..celine and sebastian we the witnesses
-howard killed that shit in 3 minutes..me..twice as long..ugg

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At the end of the day, what matters is I have up on my homework.


week of February 15, 2010

-recap for the whole week
-too lazy to type out everything..so i'll just show pictures..(be honest, you don't read the words anyway)

Feb. 15

pig feet from this bombass place howard suggested
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milk tea w/boba from wonderful foods
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Feb. 16, tuesday night dinner

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Feb. 18

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Feb. 19

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bonfire at mike's
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card games then chilled for a minute
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At the end of the day, what matters is..ehh..fuck it.


February 12, 2010

-fcuk class though..not really..but yeah
-after class, chilled in the PAC room with howard, sebastian, and celine until we finally decided to head to sebastian/celine's place
-relaxed for a minute, then headed downtown to tiffany's so howard can buy a necklace..fucking fresh
-then went to catch a bus to go to japantown, saw nomio waiting by the stop cause she just got out of work
-japantown..copped a pencil box and some other shit
-then to haight st, to kan zaman..bomb ass food..not sure what it was..but it was delicious
-headed back to sebastian/celine's for some brew and a game of quarters (but with pennies)
-real chill day

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throwing cards at sebastian?..i don't know why..hah
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i got up from my chair..picked up one dart..and said..if i get a bull's eye right now, one shot, someone owes me $50..pay up bitches!
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whassup whiiiip?
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I guess good grades do pay off..well.

to quote dr. greensite on his feelings about quantum mechanics, and my current philosophy

"At the end of the day, [what matters is] quantum mechanics isn't something you understand, it is something you get used to."


February 2, 2010

Getting-back-in-the-routine post.

-coworker cindy gave me some bombass jasmine green tea..brewed it for the first time this morning
-intro to phil+religion 0935-1050
-quantum mechanics 1100-1215
-chilled in the PAC room for a minute, grabbed lunch, hit the gym
-thermodynamics 1535-1650
-went back to the PAC to do some hw
-tuesday night dinner at sebastian's and celine's!
-headed to trader joe's for ingredients for pizza with alex, celine, howard, and sebastian
-went to sebastian and celine's house to prep all the toppings
-waited for mike and kristen(sp?) to come back with the pizza dough, in the mean time we all played cards
-cooked the pizza, ate the pizza, hella good
-got a ride back home from sebastian
-called sara, then knocked the fuck out

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pie 1
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pie 2
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At the end of the day, what matters is I dusted off my camera.