
March 6, 2010

Battle of the Nerds!
Math vs. Physics

-math versus physics department in volleyball, soccer, and basketball..physics lost all three..but whatever

the night before, sebastian, celine, and I made the shirts for the physics department..it was real fun, but a pain in the ass at the same time
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everyone customized their tees with equally nerdy physics things, here's a tiny sample

Dr. Bland, my PHYS 385, theoretical physics professor
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me scoring the first points for physics
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Dr. Beck, my MATH 301, exploration and proofs, professor..had him my first semester at SFSU, now I'm about to school him..hah..foreal though..I took it to the basket
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it was greg's bday, so we all sang to him
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At the end of the day, I had tons of fun, but now I'm sore as fuck.